Sunday, February 27, 2011

Surviving Board Exams Revisited

According to a handy-dandy little application provided by Blogger, Google's blogging support system, one of my most commonly read posts is Surviving Board Exams, written last summer after attempting boards for the second time. I've thought about this post and its popularity, and it seems to me the title is mildly deceptive, though certainly not intentionally so. It sounds like strategies for getting through medical licensing exams when in fact, it was a reflection on my post-exam experience at the time. And that's the important thing to remember, because, as it turned out, I was to take the that portion of our osteopathic boards once more before gaining a passing score.

Veterans come in all shapes and sizes. There are those who've served in the military, those who've come through hard times -- veterans of addiction, abuse, or grief and loss. I've even used the term to refer to the bond that develops between medical students or between residents in the course of their training. Just this past week, while visiting with a friend who had lost a parent, I mentioned the word "veteran" describing those of us who have lost one or both parents. My friend looked me in the eyes and said, "It's just that way, isn't it?" And it is.

Some things are so profound that our endurance of them can only be fully comprehended by one who has been down the same dark passageway in one way or another. We do our best to empathize in these situations, calling upon our personal histories with suffering, but "you had to have been there" is a phrase pregnant with truth. This doesn't mean we ought to throw up our hands and throw in the towel, abandoning persons in distress to their own devices, but empathy has its limits and we do well to recognize them, while offering the very best of the empathy we have to share.

My perspective on board exams, like that of many other medical students, is colored by trial and failure, as well as success. Looking back a couple of years, I can see how I fell victim to pressures exerted by the expectation that medical school follows a predictable time line. The longer I'm immersed in this process, the more I realize predictability is a delightful fiction. Circumstances appear that no one can anticipate, altering one's time of arrival at the railway station called "Graduation." And it happens more often than most people realize.

For me, surviving board exams became a reality as a direct consequence of attending the PASS Program in Champaign, Illinois last fall. There I learned how my previous attempts were pretty much doomed to failure because I, like most students, had misunderstood the nature of boards. I thought they tested what I knew and in reality, they test what I can use. 

Since the first two years of medical school focus on the accumulation of medical knowledge rather than its clinical application, when we face boards for the first time, we're at a distinct disadvantage. Failure is so devastating because we're inclined to take it as a judgment upon what we know, suggesting we either haven't learned enough or our learning mechanism is faulty. Both damage self-esteem and erode self-confidence, the very qualities we need to hold onto the most.

In my experience, after receiving a failing grade on boards, the first thing students do -- and I did -- is engage in a more intense review of the material they studied the first time around. Usually they supplement an already massive amount with notes, charts, and review books, on the presupposition their previous preparation was inadequate. That approach, however, perpetuates the misconception that boards test how much you know. In many cases, we already possess sufficient knowledge for the task, we just don't know what to do with it. Learning how to think clinically and discern the patterns in medical science is the critical chapter in Beggar's Survival Guide for Medical Board Exams. 

But even the experience of failure and discovering how to approach boards successfully has been a valuable one for me, because I've been able to share it with others in similar straits. Having a failing grade on boards, according to the common wisdom, is a liability when it comes to obtaining residency placement. I'm not saying it's not, but I am saying grace has a way of seeing us through when we fear there is nothing that can. When we refuse to call any experience wasted and take it instead, as something to hold in reserve until we can use it to help someone else, the benevolence of the universe, the grace of God -- whatever you wish to call it -- has a habit of acting on our behalf.

Maybe we don't get a premier spot in the most competitive and prestigious of residencies, but when we use what we have to help others we gain their love and appreciation. We grow in our capacity to give, we become better persons, and all of that is so incredibly worthy, the day can come when we are grateful for every time we've stumbled, fallen, and gotten back up along life's way, because without them, we'd never had the privilege of helping someone else.

(Creative Commons image by ross6606 via Flickr)

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  1. It's good that you wrote about it. Many of us can feel a failure and its far worse, thinking you stand alone. Whoever reads your story will understand they can try again, 'hey its not the end just a shake up.'
    These exams were my first ever failure. I needed it to learn humility!!! Blessings.

  2. That feeling of being isolated, set apart, or distanced from others by one's experience, is hard to describe, but anyone who has had a loss knows what it's like. It's one reason why the company of other 'veterans' is so important, because it helps draw us back into community, where we can undergo healing.


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