Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Midnight Breakfast

Apple pie with lattice upper crust

I love going out for breakfast late at night. There's something about the witching hour that just makes bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast and coffee taste better. I got into the habit back in college when I was connected with a student group in my church. We'd go out after Sunday evening services and hit this one local restaurant like a ton of bricks. They served apple pie in a brown pottery bowl so deep you had to use a spoon.

Eventually, I made friends with a girl on the wait staff who was just as sweet. We never went out or anything, but it was one of those delightful, casual relationships you never quite forget. You know the kind I mean. Anyhow, one evening a couple of her admirers came in, wanting to chat, probably hoping for a date. The manager informed them my friend was busy and besides, she said, pointing in my direction, I was waiting to see her. Taken aback, they looked at me and asked, "Who's he?" It was one of those moments that makes a nineteen year old feel a little taller, better looking, and more sophisticated, even if he knows it's not really true.

It's almost springtime here on the farm, and I can smell the change in the air. The hayfield is nearly completely devoid of snow -- only a few patches remain along the eastern tree line where there's rich shade. The irises are starting to push up through the soil in the flower beds and I'll have to rake and spade soon.
My predecessor, a retired OB/GYN doc, had a passion for English gardens and a green thumb to match. Horticulture is not my gift, but I'd like the place to look like someone still cares.

What does springtime have to do with food and old friends? Not a lot, except the onset of spring always makes me reflective. The newness triggers memories of things I've loved and either neglected or left behind. Books on the shelf beckon, despite the fact that I haven't got time to read the ones on my night stand. My guitars need restringing and I'm thinking about getting a second dog. Putting it all together might require some special planning, though, and for that I'll need fortifying. I guess I'd better find a place that serves a good midnight breakfast, you suppose?

(Creative commons image via Wikipedia)


  1. At one point in time I used to like very early morning breakfasts. So early that the only places serving were the ones that were open all night. It was when I was a widow, and I realized that breakfast was a meal that one could go out solo and not feel odd.

    It is good to reflect. Indeed. We are so conditioned to 'look ahead.'

  2. I haven't done it in quite a while. For one thing, apparently Maine doesn't have Village Inn Pancake House restaurants;they have the best breakfasts and they're open 24 hours.

    This was one of those posts following a series when you look at the computer screen, then the sun on the meadow (such as it is right now), and think to yourself, why would anyone in their right mind be sitting inside writing, when they can be outside playing?! Next thing you know, breakfast at midnight is tickling your imagination. You know how it goes, I'm absolutely certain. :-)


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