Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reprogramming God's Computer

From a theological perspective, the problem of evil is usually expressed like this: how can an all-powerful God permit evil and suffering to exist? The presumption being that since evil and suffering are counter to the nature of God's goodness, it only makes sense that such a being would wish to eliminate them at every opportunity. Given the presence of genuine evil in the world, either God doesn't have the power to do anything about it, in which case he's not God, or he's not willing, in which case he's not good.

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. There are probably as many ways of addressing this issue as there are theologians who've dared to try. It reminds me of the Kobayashi Maru, the no-win scenario from Star Trek, and I have the sneaking suspicion, like James T. Kirk, God has somehow reprogrammed the computer. That he did so without telling anyone is an inside joke. And, I think leaving us to clean up the mess, just may be the punchline.

I know, that sounds like I'm suggesting God is playing games with us, but truthfully, I'm not. There are some things we need to struggle with, over and over, in order to arrive at a measure of maturity as human beings, responsible for each other and the planet we live on. And evil is one of the biggies. Those who would dismiss the problem by denying the presence of evil or blaming God for refusing to make things easier, miss the point. We're supposed to do it because we become better in the process.

When I was in junior high school, my wood shop instructor taught us to submit a bill of materials before beginning work on our class projects. We had to make a drawing of whatever it was we planned to build, determine which tools and how much wood we'd need, then write up a list and get his approval. If we apply this to the question of evil, we have a number of tools to choose from, and the ones we select will have considerable influence on the appearance of our "project" when we're finished.

For instance, if we were to take one of the traditional theological ones, we could say evil results from the exercise of free will and since God isn't willing to violate our freedom, we make our own bed, so to speak. Then again, we might eliminate God from the equation entirely, and say, along with some of the existentialists, that evil is a consequence of living, and since life has no intrinsic meaning, neither does suffering. That's kind of bleak, but it's one solution, nevertheless.

We can build our house out of anything if we try hard enough. The question is, which of the three little pigs are we going to emulate? Ultimately, the solution we come up with has to provide a way of making ethical decisions that we can live with. And that's the rub. Conscience makes cowards of us all, said Hamlet. We can say one thing in the classroom but when confronted with flesh and blood, feel compelled to do another. Maybe it all does comes down to conscience after all, because suffering is personal, no matter how we formulate it.

(Creative Commons image of Star Trek 2009 cast by
Las Valley 702 via Flickr)


  1. Yup. I brought it up to follow through on yesterday's post. I'd read a commentary on psychiatry and the problem of evil the other day and it seemed like a good idea to raise the issue.

  2. By the way, for readers unfamiliar with the term "theodicy," it refers to an explanation of the problem of evil from a theological perspective. In the essay, I mention that the problem concerns the presence of genuine evil in the world. If evil does not really exist or if it only appears to exist, then the question of God's goodness or power has no relevance. Why? Because if something only appears to be evil but isn't, or there's no such thing as evil, then nothing runs counter to God's goodness or power to alter the state of affairs. Only if evil is truly real, do we have to address the question of God's goodness and power.

  3. Ah you knew you'd get a comment from me....LOL
    Well....Praise God, He didn't make us robots, He gave us a free will. So just like any all loving Father He has given us whats right and whats wrong in His Word (Bible)... and then leaves it up to us to make our choices. Are we going to be loving and kind,giving and unselfish OR the opposite. It's our choice. Hey...did you read what I wrote about the Barber who said there was no God? He argued that if there was a God there would not be all the evil and wickedness in the world...So he chose not to believe!
    His customer didn't argue, after all, he couldn't think what to answer. He finished his cut and walked out of the shop. Outside he saw a man with an unkept dirty beard who needed a hair cut.. Turning around he re-entered the shop. He said to the Barber, "I don't believe in Barbers for if they were real there wouldn't be a man outside who needs a haircut and shave."
    "What are you taking about," replied the Barber. "Its not my fault if he doesn't come to me!"
    "Exactely," replied the Customer...."And its the same with God!."
    Hey, do you feel like choking me!! LOL.... I love God so much, He has done so much for me, but we need to understand Him.

    Bless ya..... The Kangaroo....

  4. Oh...yes....suffering is personal... the good thing about it can make us better or bitter. I hope it has made me humble.. But... maybe it has made me sassy. LOL

  5. Crystal:

    You've made my point exactly, namely, that we all have to find some way of reconciling ourselves to the presence of evil in the world, and what works for one may not work for another. And, in the end, the main thing is how we deal with evil when we encounter it. Surviving without becoming embittered in the process is a one tremendous accomplishment.


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