Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snow Magic

I saw something extraordinary this morning. While taking the dog out for his morning "constitutional," we walked down our country lane that is lined with forest on both sides. The sun was shining through the trees and yesterday's fresh snow was falling in cascades from the tree tops some thirty or forty feet above. As it fell, it caught the sunlight and looked like columns of snow flakes and in some cases, there were shadows reflected onto the falling snow so it looked like a gentle spiral winding to the ground.

I ran back to the house, got my camera, and if any photos come out, I'll post one or two for you to see. It was quite incredible, standing there as snow fell, sometimes in small clumps as though the trees were throwing snowballs. You just never know what you're going to see -- what we often fail to see because we're too preoccupied. Perhaps today you could take a moment to see and be surprised.

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1 comment:

  1. I've often thought that such moments were gifts from God, little treasures that allow us to see God's still around and hasn't forgotten us. Sometimes they are more 'church' than the brick-and-mortar places we're supposed to find God...


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